Kayaking Mere Point, Plus Penny Candy - Brunswick - Big Adventure
Kids in the Woods
Maine is jam-packed with fun outings for adventurous families. Here we've compiled some of our favorites from outings we've done with our kids. We are constantly learning about new places to bring the family, and we want to hear about your grand adventures, too. Come on by the store and tell us your stories, and let us know if you'd like more details about planning any of these outings.
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One small disclaimer: We know these trips work with kids because we've tried them. We are, however, very comfortable with our ability to be prepared and make good decisions in the wilderness. Depending on your knowledge and experience, it might be a very good idea for you to take courses in wilderness skills, paddling safety, or wilderness first aid. In addition to valuable information, taking classes may give you the courage to push your family's adventures to the next level. We are happy to make recommendations for local guide services.